Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics

Standards and policies: Science and standards, biodegradability and compostability, study of the aerobic biodegrability of plasticmaerials under controlled compost; environmentally degradable plastics and ics-unido global program, biodegradable plastics, market introduction of compostable packaging; Biobased systems; Biodegradable hybrid polymeric materials based on lignin and synthetic polymers, production and applications of microbial polyhhydroxyalkanoates, the solid-state structure, thermal and crystalline properties of bacterial copolyesters of (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid with (R)-3- hydroxyhexanoic acid, biodased polymeric materials for agriculture applecations; Biomedical applications: Hydrophilic/hdrophobic copolymers

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Handbook of biopolymers and biodegradable plastics: properties, processing, and applications

This new Handbook brings provides engineers and scientists with the information and practical guidance needed to successfully design and manufacture products using biopolymers and biodegradable plastics.

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Sustainable plastics: Environmental assessments of biobased, biodegradable, and recycled plastics

Introduction to sustainability; Environmental issues; life cycle information; biobased and biodegradable polymers; biobased and recycled petroleum-based plastics; end-of-life options for plastics; sustainable plastic products; biobased and biodegradation standards fof polumeric materials; sustainable strategies for plastics companies; future of sustainable plastics.

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